Wednesday, July 01, 2020

UniPhi 16 countdown - 1st August release date

July 1 represents the start of our countdown to the release of UniPhi 16. Every year, UniPhi has a major release that represents the improvements to our software, based off the feedback from our enthusiastic and responsive end users. Over the next 31 days we'll be releasing an improvement per day.

The overall theme of UniPhi 16 is 100s of small improvements to all existing modules. I personally like to think of it as 100's and 1000's - ramping up some solid foundations with finishing touches (just like fairy bread).

You'll have to come back tomorrow and subsequent days to get the full details of this release but as a taster expect plenty of UI/UX (user interface/user experience) improvements. For example, tomorrow's post will explain what on earth this icon is for

We will share each post across the usual channels so keep up to date with our new release by following us on LinkedIn and/or Twitter!

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