Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Little Changes: #6 Copy Paste Importing from Excel

A new import method we've been having a lot of fun with is the copying from Excel method. This was initially introduced in UniPhi 14 for updating cash flow and periodic custom fields and has now been expanded into 15.
The traditional import method has been the uploading of files, be they excel or csv to the system and then pressing save.
Import From Excel Function

Import From Excel Function - Browse File

The issue with this is that the result is a black box to the end user who has no idea whether the data has imported successfully or not. Even with good error handling the user is only ever presented with cell or row references of issues. The copy and paste function presents instant visual feedback to the end user. For those that missed this update in UniPhi 14, here's how cash flow phasing can be brought into the Cost Module.

To begin you simply need to go into the Phasing sub-navigation of the Cost module, select the relevant chart of accounts from the Cost Code drop down list and then Budget, Forecast or Actuals from the Phase drop down list (highlighted below). Note, Actual will only be available for project cost chart of accounts if accounting integration has been configured.

Phasing Cashflow Budgets

Then from an excel spreadsheet you can copy the data required - this data can be as ugly as you like as the system will just pick out the necessary bits from it. With the data copied, simply go to the paste from Excel screen.

Paste From Excel Button
Select forecast or budget from the Import drop down. This will already have Actuals that are being managed from the contracts.

Paste From Excel - Import Drop-Down

Depending on how you've configured the application you can then paste the values selected in from the excel cashflow into the budget.

UniPhi will then ignore columns that don't mean anything to the system and will match codes to pre-existing ones, for which you can have as many as you like. UniPhi will also match dates to the months and periods you are putting them into and if there is a gap in the data or something it can't match, it just won't highlight it.

For example in the image below, UniPhi has ignored columns 1, 2 and 3 and has matched the CF to the CF code within UniPhi. You can also see that the empty columns have been grayed out.

Data Pasted From Excel
The big red box it puts around something is the way in which the system tells you that an account code does not exist. In this exampled Total does not exist, but you can simply ignore that as it does not matter.

Additionally, if there is a typo, you can change it within the pasted function instead of having to go back to excel, update and then copy and paste again.

To finish, you simply tick the line that you want to bring in and click save. It will then automatically put the cashflow in the budget against the relevant codes for the months that you have highlighted.

Data to be Imported - Tick Box
Our benchmarking cashflow is based off the actuals of past projects, so if you've got that data and those profiles, you can quickly get them into the system using this paste from excel function. It's a quick way to get data uptake and portfolios of cashflows into the system that we hope will be useful for our users.

In UniPhi 15, this copy past functionality has been expanded to include resources.

The copy and paste functionality for resources uses the following workflow:

1) Go into Resources and ensure All Projects is selected or the Paste from Excel button won't appear.
Resource Module - All Projects

2) Copy the relevant Resource data from your excel file
Excel Resource File - Copy Data

3) Click the Paste From Excel button
Paste From Excel Button

4) Paste data into UniPhi. Any unrecognized data will be highlighted in grey.
Data Pasted From Excel

5) For unrecognized data you can map the column by selecting a UniPhi related field from the drop down box
Resource Filter Drop-down Box - Select Contact Name
 6) Map all the columns to the relevant fields and tick the lines of data you want to import. Any data left in grey will be ignored when imported.
Filter Categories - Drop Down Lists

7) When happy with your selection, click Save.
Save Button
8) Your resource data will now have been automatically brought into UniPhi!

The next big improvement that we have made is in the Cost Module will be released tomorrow so check back in to find out what that is!

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