The fourth little change we've made to the usability of UniPhi is some small tweaks to the template controls. These changes are only accessible by those who have a System Administrator license but do have impact on the end-user - so this can be handy for users to know what your system admin can do for you!
For those who don't know, template controls are the things that we use to create the steps in the document templates that you may have seen in Part I and Part II of the little changes to Documents.
Template Steps |
These templates are created by your organisation's system administrator who has a selection of optional controls that enable them to bring information into the document in order to automatically generate content. This ensure a level of consistency and quality every time a team members creates any type of document and allows for the dynamic creation of content based on information stored elsewhere in the system.
Changes to PCG Reports
The small changes that we have made to template controls can be seen when creating a PCG report. This report has been around for a while but now we have added some tweaks to some of the information that is in there.
One of the requirements clients have when using this template is to be able to compare one report to the next. This latest tweak allows this for the template controls highlighted below: Financial Year v Budget, Contracted Costs, Cash Flow - Table and Cash Flow (Graph).
Template Changes |
Changes to Financial Year v Budget
The financial year based report looks at month by month and year to date data. It displays data for the month selected by the user (in this case: June), Year to Date and Total for this financial year as it exists in the system now.
Cost Columns |
Though now, due to this feedback, what we have done is incorporate that this data with the ability to compare it with previous PCG reports. This data comes into the Variance Last Forecast (VLF) column highlighted below.
VLF Column |
The VLF column looks up what was reported in previous PCG Reports (in this example: PCG Repor 2), which is selected from the new "Last Forecast Document" drop-down.
Previous PCG Reports Drop-Down List |
This drop-down allows you to select any relevant report previously issued and to then compare any changes to the latest report. These differences are displayed in the VLF column for users who can then comment on and demonstrate it to clients. This concept has also been included in the whole of project cost report.
Drop-Down - Select Report to Compare |
Changes to Cash Flow - Table
Cash Flow - Table shows the month by month phasing of a project over time. One of the things we noticed in this area is that when we were doing month by month phasing on a program basis, this table didn't provide the complete program data just discreet projects' cash flow. to solve this problem we have now incorporated what we call portfolio mode. This mode allows you to select all projects that relate to a particular meta-data type, displayed in the highlighted section below. This could be Sector, Parent-Child relationship (Project Type).
Project Meta-Data Type |
If you select a parent project from the "Project" drop-down this will then consolidate all the cash flows that exist in the children projects and the parent project into this view. This will then match with the next step which is cash flow graph.
Parent Drop-Down List (Mirvac Program) |
Changes to Cash Flow (Graph)
In this step we have made it possible to now select the same Parent project as the previous step, and then have the S-curve graph display the same data as what was in the previous table.
Cash Flow (Graph) - Mirvac Program S Curve Graph |
This has enhanced the ability to do portfolio aggregation across multiple projects both in the graph and in the table which is a new ability now available in UniPhi 15.
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