Thursday, August 06, 2020

We've been on a hiring spree!

Instead of end of financial year shopping, we decided to go on a recruiting spree.

We're pleased to be welcoming 4 new recruits to the UniPhi and mbh training team!
From left to right we have Andrew, Freeda, Matthew and the spirit of our fourth recruit, Panos.

Freeda and Andrew are our new front-end developers. Andrew is yet to graduate university - just one keen bean, whilst Freeda has had over a decade of work experience working as a software developer and business analyst.

Matt, has founded his own company, pivoted from data scientist to software developer and is joining us as our new back-end developer. Panos will be joining remotely in a couple of weeks as he is stuck in Melbourne! Keep safe for us Panos!

This new group's first project is to create a new training admin system for our sister company mbh training. Our colleagues at mbh are excited to get the first major upgrade to their current processes in 17 years!

We're excited to have such a great mix of new employees and are looking forward to the new ideas and skills they'll bring to UniPhi and mbh.

In three weeks our latest intern program will kick off with a very exciting project focused on data analytics and machine this space.

Check back in on our LinkedIn and Twitter page to keep up to date with all our new projects.

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