Today marks the day that we begin the countdown of new features in UniPhi and so we would like to begin with feature 15: applying issues templates to existing issues.
As our more experienced users may already know, UniPhi uses the Issues module as the central hub for project-based collaboration. It is the engine room for identifying, tracking, and managing the activities required to make progress with a project.
As our more experienced users may already know, UniPhi uses the Issues module as the central hub for project-based collaboration. It is the engine room for identifying, tracking, and managing the activities required to make progress with a project.
Issues Module |
While projects are, by definition, unique undertakings with specific start and end dates and a defined scope, there are occasions where the same actions are required across numerous projects. For example, an RFI will typically require the same series and sequence of actions to be completed within a defined time period by various project team members
Creating a set of actions can be time consuming to do each and every time and so to simplify this process, UniPhi allows you to create issue templates. An issue template is essentially a list of defined actions, due dates, and tasks assigned by role. Any number of these templates can be created and configured according to the needs and requirements of your organisation. Once a template has been created, you can use it whenever you create an issue and UniPhi will automatically assign actions with defined due dates to the relevant team members - a simple time saving feature that our clients love!
Issue Templates |
So why are issue templates the feature of today? Well that is because, due to client feedback, we know there are times when issues that arise may not immediately require any or all of the actions which have been defined within an issue template. A template has therefore not been used when creating an issue, but may be needed later.
For example, you may receive details about a tender that you would like to submit a response. You are not certain that it fits your strategic target, and hence your first step is to conduct a review without bringing your colleagues and stakeholders into the issue. Once you have reviewed the tender in more detail though, you decide to proceed, and will need input from members of your project team. But if you have already created an issue, how can you apply an issue template to it?
For example, you may receive details about a tender that you would like to submit a response. You are not certain that it fits your strategic target, and hence your first step is to conduct a review without bringing your colleagues and stakeholders into the issue. Once you have reviewed the tender in more detail though, you decide to proceed, and will need input from members of your project team. But if you have already created an issue, how can you apply an issue template to it?
Tender issue without a template |
Well, now, UniPhi has been enhanced to allow you to do exactly that. You can apply your issue template to an existing issue by simply clicking the template option in the right-hand corner and selecting the appropriate template (as seen in the image below).
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