Tuesday, July 10, 2018

UniPhi 14 - The countdown has begun!

There's only 20 more sleeps until we release the next version of UniPhi. To celebrate, we'll be posting short blogs about one new feature every working day up until the release date. That's 15 new things to get excited about, including:

  • Enhanced contract admin functions to save you time, allowing you to work on more productive project matters and eliminate more spreadsheets!
  • New dashboard reporting that leverages off our API to improve the visual experience. This is a term you'll hear much more of in UniPhi 15, but you'll have to wait until November for that!
As we don't want to give away all of the grand excitement today, we won't include any more and will leave you guessing as to what will be coming next...

To not miss out on your daily update, watch this space or follow us on LinkedIn and Twitter as we work our way towards the biggest and best updates. Let the countdown begin!

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