Wednesday, August 02, 2023

UniPhi 19 Feature: We owe how much?

One of the common questions we heard from our clients when Covid hit is "how many projects do we have in this sector or that sector", "What is our largest contractor and what is the exposure", "How much business do we have with client X".

All of this data is contained within the UniPhi data model and because this data comes from the day to day interactions with the software (i.e. the creation of projects, contracts and invoices), you know the data is going to be accurate to the cent.

However, as always, there is room for improvement and prior to UniPhi 19, it wasn't that easy to get access to this aggregated information. UniPhi 19 provides simple interfaces in our Resources module to review consolidated information about clients and suppliers across your project portfolio.


Watch this short video to see the new interface:

Want to know what other features UniPhi 19 has to offer? Explore the UniPhi 19 webinar or contact us to find out more.

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