UniPhi 14 saw the release of embedded PowerBI dashboards. These dashboards are developed by our end users and allow you to build whatever type of report you can imagine with the valuable data captured in the UniPhi application. However, these charts are displayed in the reports section of UniPhi and hence are a few clicks away from view when directly entering data. UniPhi 17 comes with embedded charts for every module and aside from lifting up the application to have far more visual appeal, these charts actually tell a story!
Embedded issues chart |
The above issues chart trends the issues created over time and presents the average duration time by category. One interesting aspect of UniPhi is the ability to configure it for a range of functions and one of those is as a CRM. By creating a "Sales" category these new charts can track if your sales lead pipeline is growing and what the average sales cycle is. Similar analysis can be done with RFI response times, defects and safety issues.
Issue count by sales category (hopefully trending up)
These trending charts have unlocked a host of insights into our own deployment (known as dogfood) which has data dating back to 2005! We've upgraded dogfood to 17 early to make sure its well tested before release. We're certain our end users will be surprised at what a good visual can tell them too when we upgrade throughout July.
The charts are displayed as part of the overall table based reports that have been in the system for years. No more browsing off to see the results of the data you've captured!
They can be toggled off and on from the switch in the top right corner.
We'll be presenting all the charts in detail out our upcoming charts webinar on 1st June. Register to get some exclusive insights into why these charts were chosen and what insights you can gain from them.
Don't forget to come back to our blog Monday to read the next UniPhi 17 series post on the new scheduling capability for cash flow and effort.
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