Monday, July 04, 2016

UniPhi 12 - Cost plan report generation

In my net present value post I mentioned how some of our early goals for developing the UniPhi software platform back in 2005 were put on hold by our success at selling into the construction industry and our need to support specific requirements of clients in this industry. Another factor that changed the focus of our product was the creation in 2004 of the templates system. Our systems architect +Murray Stiles showed his true genius when as a graduate software developer he came up with the idea and structure for UniPhi documents. What the UniPhi template system does is it enables end users to build their own PDF based reports that integrate text commentary with graphs, data tables, registers, uploaded files, version control, work flow for sign off and many many other factors.

Leveraging this functionality, and the adding of calculated cost metrics, benchmark reports and integration with cost estimating tools, cost managers can now generate cost plan reports on the fly. The reduction in time taken to transpose data from multiple sources into a consolidated report plus the elimination of transpose errors is a game change for cost managers. When combined with the template controls that unlock the data stored in the system, a cost manager can now offer significantly more value to these reports as time freed up is used to provide nuance commentary and analysis of the latest plan.

Some of the controls that unlock this value and are new or expanded in UniPhi 12 are:
We expect that customers using our software and maximising their capability in the areas listed above will truly define themselves as market leaders in their industry.

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