Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Problem 10- Where's That Photo?

Whenever there’s an inspection conducted, or a defect noticed, or an audit carried out on a construction project, copious amounts of photos are involved. A bunch of photos get taken and the camera software then creates a file name using a numbering system, the photos are then stored on a computer or a file share directory. It’s all done simply enough, but storing the photos this way can make it frustrating and time consuming to refer to them later on. Simply, trying to locate files on numerous systems can prove problematic, frustrating and a waste of valuable time.

A lot of the time, the photos will be put into a word document so that the information surrounding them can be annotated and expanded upon. This, while providing more structure, can make it difficult and time consuming to find the document months later when there is a dispute over something or even days later when the contractor is onsite trying to find the defect noted and you need photographic evidence.

UniPhi OnSite gives instant context to site photos as they can be recorded against a specific issue or included dynamically into a contextualised document.

UniPhi OnSite is all about making it easier to access vital project information. Integrating images to the issues on projects as they occur helps you to gain access in a more time efficient way. From this point, the issue can be actively managed and closed out by the project manager. The time savings per issue are immense. 

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