At the risk of stating the obvious, it's been a while between updates. There's plenty to update too.
UniPhi has been spun out of mbh to become its own company. The three pillars of mbh: management consulting, training and software still make sense but the skills to run each are best managed separately so there are now two businesses under a group called Bruegel Investments. mbh is focused on the training and UniPhi provides software solutions and consulting advice for managing the 3 Ps; Portfolios, programs and projects.
The last post January last year mentioned UniPhi going global. Thanks to the sale to AECOM, UniPhi is now being used in over 120 locations around the world. This 45,000 user roll out has been and still is a fascinating project. UniPhi is the heart of a global knowledge base on construction cost data that is now driving decision making and cost planning around the globe. It is a honour and a pleasure to be involved with such a quality fortune 500 company that is involved in some of the great infrastructure and construction projects globally.
It is a buzz to all in the team that there are users of UniPhi's software 24 hours a day. From our first release back in 2005, it is very satisfying to have reached this global goal.
We've had three releases since the last update in January 2012, with UniPhi 9 being released in June 2013. The most important feature that has been enhanced over the past 18 months is our Data Warehouse In a Box. This product solves the big problem of enterprise databases; that of extracting the information that has been captured in the way an end user wants. This analytical portal provides the business with the ability to aggregate, cut and dice their financial information captured in UniPhi's enterprise version any which way they wish.
Exciting new developments for the UniPhi suite of products is in the mobile space. We've hired new Android and iOS developers (welcome Vino and Godfrey) to develop our new UniPhi on-site product to be released in August and to enhance our global unite roll out with AECOM. I'll dedicate the next post to the new on-site products.
In other recruitment news, we welcome our new production manager +Graham Eldridge to the fold. Graham's experiences running both enterprise and IT project management offices will assist us in the roll out of our enterprise version. Finally we welcome +Gunawan Herman who joins our software development team. Gunawan's first assignment is to complete our foreign language feature due for release in UniPhi 10 this October. While only on board for two weeks he has impressed our system architect; +Murray Stiles with his focus and attention to detail. The recruitment process has been both exciting and exhaustive and we're very happy with the quality of our expanding team.
UniPhi has been spun out of mbh to become its own company. The three pillars of mbh: management consulting, training and software still make sense but the skills to run each are best managed separately so there are now two businesses under a group called Bruegel Investments. mbh is focused on the training and UniPhi provides software solutions and consulting advice for managing the 3 Ps; Portfolios, programs and projects.
The last post January last year mentioned UniPhi going global. Thanks to the sale to AECOM, UniPhi is now being used in over 120 locations around the world. This 45,000 user roll out has been and still is a fascinating project. UniPhi is the heart of a global knowledge base on construction cost data that is now driving decision making and cost planning around the globe. It is a honour and a pleasure to be involved with such a quality fortune 500 company that is involved in some of the great infrastructure and construction projects globally.
It is a buzz to all in the team that there are users of UniPhi's software 24 hours a day. From our first release back in 2005, it is very satisfying to have reached this global goal.
We've had three releases since the last update in January 2012, with UniPhi 9 being released in June 2013. The most important feature that has been enhanced over the past 18 months is our Data Warehouse In a Box. This product solves the big problem of enterprise databases; that of extracting the information that has been captured in the way an end user wants. This analytical portal provides the business with the ability to aggregate, cut and dice their financial information captured in UniPhi's enterprise version any which way they wish.
Exciting new developments for the UniPhi suite of products is in the mobile space. We've hired new Android and iOS developers (welcome Vino and Godfrey) to develop our new UniPhi on-site product to be released in August and to enhance our global unite roll out with AECOM. I'll dedicate the next post to the new on-site products.
In other recruitment news, we welcome our new production manager +Graham Eldridge to the fold. Graham's experiences running both enterprise and IT project management offices will assist us in the roll out of our enterprise version. Finally we welcome +Gunawan Herman who joins our software development team. Gunawan's first assignment is to complete our foreign language feature due for release in UniPhi 10 this October. While only on board for two weeks he has impressed our system architect; +Murray Stiles with his focus and attention to detail. The recruitment process has been both exciting and exhaustive and we're very happy with the quality of our expanding team.
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