Thursday, May 28, 2015

Pecha Kucha night...

Mark Heath has teamed up with fellow PMO Sydney Meet up members, including Sandra Arps, to present at a Pecha Kucha night in July. Mark's topic of the night: 'Designing the perfect concept workshop'.

In case you haven't heard of this kind of event before, here is the run down:

"PechaKucha 20x20 is a simple presentation format where you show 20 images, each for 20 seconds. The images advance automatically and you talk along to the images." (source)

It is an event that is now held in over 800 cities around the world (the first one starting in Tokyo in February 2003).

So why was this event created?

"Because architects talk too much! Give a microphone and some images to an architect -- or most creative people for that matter -- and they'll go on forever! Give PowerPoint to anyone else and they have the same problem." (source)

We hope you can attend this event, we look forward to seeing the results of the creative twist that Pecha Kucha has on presentations.

Here are the details:

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

UniPhi for the... Independent Verifier

It's interesting to see how different people and teams utilise UniPhi to meet their business needs.

Here's what the Davis Langdon team said...
The Davis Langdon Verification Services department is responsible for verifying works on major Infrastructure projects throughout their design and construction phases.

On a daily basis our independent review teams deal with large amounts of email to and from external stakeholders including D&C Contractors and government agencies. We have been using UniPhi’s “Save as Issue” feature for a number of years now, and we have found that it saves us an incredible amount of time. Our project teams save all project related emails into the UniPhi system at the click of a button indexing them on the way in. These emails are then available to be viewed by all project team members and all related correspondence is traceable, captured and classified as necessary.

This simple feature has reduced our reliance on individual email accounts such that we no longer need to search through multiple personal inboxes, sent items, deleted items etc. Instead we go straight into UniPhi and find out exactly what is happening within each project and activity subset.

When we first introduced the Save as plugins, we saw the benefits of the feature. The biggest benefit to using both the Save as Issue and Save as Document plugin, was the time and efficiency that it provides. You can upload the email into the relevant issue it is concerning, there is no need to forward or store your email. Thus, you save time, and guarantee that the email you received is communicated through to the right people, and you know it's safely stored in the issue.

As you may have read in the previous blog post, the Save As Document Plugin, allows you to save your email and/ or attachment, into a UniPhi Document. This is useful as well, because if there is a follow up email, you can simply update the version of the document.

Check out the issues plugin here and documents plugin here. Plus hear the difference in our videos over time ;-)

Our life is frittered away by detail. Simplify, simplify.
Henry David Thoreau, Walden and Other Writing

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

New Feature - Communication tab

As part of the new release of UniPhi 11, the new Communication tab has been introduced. The Communication tab is one of the newest additions to the UniPhi platform, and has impressed users with how it neatly and concisely presents all interactions live in one space. The user is able to quickly and easily locate specific interactions, or get insight into what has occurred to date on a particular project, or across the portfolio. The Communication tab is ideally suited for use as a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tool.

What is the Communications tab, and how does it work? 

The new Communication tab displays all forms of interaction that have occurred across your entire portfolio of project activity. In some ways it can be viewed as a transaction log. The information that is displayed is an aggregated view; a window into all of your UniPhi data. It's very important to note that there is no data input required (or even possible) within the Communications tab. The true value comes from viewing the data that has already been entered by each member of every project team. As the Communications tab does display all of those interactions, it is in fact a very broad, comprehensive, and powerful view of information. The interactions that the communications tab displays includes all Issues, issue actions, issue comments, all emails (sent from UniPhi), and all UniPhi documents. All of this information is displayed regardless of status, due date, or ownership.

To simplify the comprehensive view of information, UniPhi has filter options so that you can hone in and focus on the specific view of information you require. So as well as the standard UniPhi filters (Sector, Project Type, Service Line,  Location, Life cycle, and Project) the Communication tab features some new filters which allow you to filter according to; project Role, communication Type, and communication Category.

No more standard filing structure!

UniPhi's integration with Outlook and the party role model that sets up a users rights, access and role on a project can be used to provide enormous amounts of intelligence about activity that is undertaken within the system. For example, when you save an email from Outlook into UniPhi we not only capture the email contents but also who sent the email and who was on the To/CC list. If these people are in the UniPhi resources module then we also know what organisation they're from, what site/office within that organisation they are located and their role on the project that you saved the email to. The communications tab presents this information to you dynamically without the user having to think about where to file the email (all they need to do is select the correct project the email relates to). Equally, if a user enters information into the system, we know what role they're in when entering that data, what organisation and site and even where they were (if entering via a mobile app) when they entered it.

UniPhi as a CRM

All this means with some slight tweaking and the viewing of campaigns/ leads as projects/issues to solve, all this flow on benefits can make UniPhi a powerful CRM tool.

Click here to check it out.