Wednesday, April 08, 2015

PMO meetup a success!

It was 6pm the day before the Easter long weekend, but that didn't stop the eager attendees that showed up to the PMO Meetup! Some of the hot topics covered by Mark Heath on the night...

The night proved to be a success, with Mark's presentation receiving positive feedback! Check out some of the comments post meetup:

"Another great event and a fabulous talk. Thank you Mark for your thought provoking presentation!" Sandra (Organiser)

Photo taken by meetup attendee Philip Reid of
Mark's presentation

"Awesome meet up. Special thanks to the organizers for organizing the meet up. Great presentation by Mark." Parag

"Enjoyed tonight. Great presentation and venue. Thanks for a good event" - Mark Schild

Watch this space for announcements on Mark's future presentations...

Wednesday, April 01, 2015

Imagine - no reporting, no email, no inbox

Imagine freeing up as much as 25% to 30% of your time and the time of your entire workforce!
In Australia the typical employee works 39 hours per week. So saving time through efficient work practice is a very important consideration, especially when 30% equates to 12 hours per week, per employee!
Now image what your organization could do with all that recouped time. It might be possible to commence more projects, or complete your current projects in a shorter period of time. UniPhi turns the old adage "do more with less" into a reality.

How does UniPhi empower your organisation to realise these time savings? UniPhi has been designed with time efficiency as its core value proposition. Concepts such as entering data once, and reusing it many times are ingrained to our design principles. The decentralised data input philosophy is a classic example of this concept whereby each member of the project team contributes to the overall status of the project. The result is that the status of a project can be seen in real time, without the need to manually compile a project status report, which is out of date and incorrect due to the time it takes to produce. More recently we have been focusing on the elephant in the room - email!

In a recent post by Sara Larsen, reference is made to a Microsoft article that summarizes the inefficiencies of email by stating:

50% of emails can be deleted or stored in a folder

30% can be delegated and completed in less than two minutes

20% can be set aside in your task list to complete later

At UniPhi we believe this is true, and probably understated. So features such as our Outlook plug-in that allow you to save an email as a UniPhi issue, or to save an email as a UniPhi document have been greatly received by our clients. 

Do away with email all together!

With our cloud offering and a commitment from the enterprise or project team, we believe you can do away with email all together. Now without emails, you're probably will I communicate with my colleagues?!?

Screen shot example of an issues list in UniPhi

Issues are the central hub of information for your project team. Each issue can be assigned an owner, as can the various tasks required to resolve the issue. Fortunately as UniPhi is a cloud based platform you can access your issues within UniPhi at any time, and anywhere (i.e via UniPhi Onsite). It is so simple to view issues across your portfolio, or within a specific project and see exactly what is going on. The information is live, its extremely useful, and it saves a an incredible amount of time. Being able to save emails directly into an issue or document adds to the beauty of the issues tab.

Your project team will appreciate the freedom to get on with the task at hand without attending "around the table update" meetings. And your Project Managers, and Project Management Office will love not having to write project reports and compile portfolio status reports. Not to mention the time UniPhi saves when looking for a document.

Imagine not having to waste time forwarding, delegating or sorting emails to a folder, and I'm sure we all have the mysterious miscellaneous folder, that, let's be honest, is pretty much a black hole. So instead of losing those important emails, store it in a Document or an Issue in UniPhi and rest assured that it will always be visible and locatable by your project team, within the correct project.

No reports to write or compile, no lost documents to locate, no lost emails, and no status update meetings to attend! What will you do with your 12 hours?

A desk of reports by
 a user who hasn't
 discovered UniPhi

Screen shot example of reports, neatly organized and
manageable in UniPhi
No reporting, no email, no inbox.... Imagine no more!

PS. If you are in Sydney, why not come along to the PMO MeetUp on 2nd April and hear from UniPhi's Managing Director, Mark Heath. Spaces are limited!

Mark Heath featured in the April 2015 issue of INTHEBLACK!

While your looking through the April 2015 issue of INTHEBLACK, check out this article written on Mark Heath, Managing Director of UniPhi, on Page 25!

What an amazing achievement for Mark and UniPhi!

In case you'r not too distracted by that winning smile, have a read of Mark's article written by Chris Sheedy. It's a great read, and paints a clear picture of what UniPhi is all about.

A sneak peak...
"Everybody says that you can't do that, but we believe you can..."
- Mark Heath.
Inspiring words, with an inspiring vision.